Your donation helps us continue to preserve, educate, and celebrate our Swiss heritage. Donate by clicking the link below, or contact Bekah Stauffacher ( to discuss making a gift of life insurance, bequests, or through a tax efficient qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from IRA accounts or gift of appreciated stocks.
Click the button below to donate online, or mail your donation to The Swiss Center of North America, 507 Durst Road, New Glarus WI 53574.
Alp & Dell Cheese Store, Ruth Anderegg, Frederic Behrens, Bobbi & Hans Bernet, Blumenladen Collective, Neal Brunner, John Etter, Shawn Faessler, Teresa Goetz, Dolf Herger, Dennis & Lillian Hoesly, Mosher & Associates, Linda Schiesser, Scranton Swiss Society, Twin Cities Swiss American Association, Albert Zeller, Dan Zimmerman, Beth & Peter Zurbuchen, Kay Zweifel
Swiss Center of North America
Swiss Center of North America 507 Durst Road New Glarus, WI 53574 USA
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