Our Material Collection includes clothing, textiles, folk and fine art, household furnishings, products of science and technology, musical instruments, and objects representative of the immigrant experience.
We have 100 year old colorized prints; stereoviews of Switzerland produced by American companies during the late 1800's to early 1900's; and antique marketing and advertising documents. The list continues and we are proud of what is held within our Tritt Library and Archives. Help us continue to grow our holdings.
Our Swiss ancestors brought their culture and heritage with them. The Donald G. Tritt Archives and Library is where wemsave the papers, documents and items that tell the Swiss emigration story. Share with us so others can learn and experience the Swiss story.
The "Suisse" Collection of the Swiss Born includes artwork, hand-painted furniture, Kreuzstich pattern books (books of old traditional needlework techniques), privately printed works containing authentic drawings and methods of making equipment, and spoken dialect recordings of Swiss German.
Susan Young's grandfather is shown above with the Datweiler Family Bible which Susan of Houston, TX donated to the Swiss Center.
Printed in Loerrach, Switzerland the bible was presented to Andrew and Susanna Datweiler when they married in Biel, Canton Bern November 13, 1753.
Family bibles can play an important role in preserving family histories as well as being a potential source of vital records.
In the Donald G.Tritt Library, you will find some 13,000 books, magazines and a growing number of family genealogies. Subjects include Swiss clothing and traditions; Swiss settlements in the U.S.; genealogy, history, art, biographies, fiction and nonfiction. Materials are published in the four official languages of Switzerland, dialect, and English.
Materials relating to Swiss genealogy and Swiss Americans include Leo Schelbert and Hedwig Rappolt’s Alles ist Ganz anders Hier; Berne Centennial 1852-1952; and Susann Bosshard Kalin’s Emigrant Paths: Encounters with 20th Century Swiss Americans.
We ask potential donors to understand the expense of building and maintaining an award-winning library and archival collection. As a non-profit organization we must raise money to maintain safe, clean, and stable exhibition, storage, and work spaces.
Please remember we are a non-profit organization. All funding comes from people like you.
Swiss Center of North America
Swiss Center of North America 507 Durst Road New Glarus, WI 53574 USA
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